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思い起こす ( )
思い起こす (v.)
omoidasu, いう, おぼえる, おもいだす, しのぶ, ねんじる, ねんずる, みおぼえる, 偲ぶ, 呼びおこす, 呼起こす, 喚び起こす, 喚起こす, 回想, 回想+する, 回視, 回視+する, 回顧, 回顧+する, 念じる, 念ずる, 思いあたる, 思いおよぶ, 思いかえす, 思いだす, 思いつく, 思いまわす, 思いやる, 思い付く, 思い出す, 思い出だす, 思い及ぶ, 思い回す, 思い寄る, 思い浮かべる, 思い浮べる, 思い起す, 思い返す, 思い遣る, 思う, 思付く, 思出す, 思及ぶ, 思回す, 思寄る, 思浮かべる, 思浮べる, 思起す, 思返す, 思遣る, 想いだす, 想い出す, 想い浮かべる, 想い起こす, 想い起す, 想う, 想出す, 想起, 想起+する, 想起す, 意味, 意味+する, 意味する, 憶う, 憶える, 懐う, 浮かべる, 考えうかぶ, 考えつく, 考えにいれる, 考える, 考え付く, 考え浮かぶ, 考付く, 考浮かぶ, 見覚える, 覚えている, 覚える, 記憶, 記憶+する, 追思, 追思+する, 追憶, 追憶+する, 追懐, 追懐+する, ~に贈りものをする
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See also
思い起こす (v.)
心に描く; 想像する[Classe]
recall; call to mind; recollect; remember (en)[Classe]
(試写会; 試写), (ぜんしん; せんじん; せんにん; ぜんじん; ぜんにんしゃ; 先人; 先任; 前人; 前任者; 前身; 祖先; 前ぶれ)[Caract.]
factotum (en)[Domaine]
Remembering (en)[Domaine]
思い起こす (v.)
思い起こす (v.)
思い起こす (v.)
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Lettris is a curious tetris-clone game where all the bricks have the same square shape but different content. Each square carries a letter. To make squares disappear and save space for other squares you have to assemble English words (left, right, up, down) from the falling squares.
Boggle gives you 3 minutes to find as many words (3 letters or more) as you can in a grid of 16 letters. You can also try the grid of 16 letters. Letters must be adjacent and longer words score better. See if you can get into the grid Hall of Fame !
English dictionary
Main references
Most English definitions are provided by WordNet .
English thesaurus is mainly derived from The Integral Dictionary (TID).
English Encyclopedia is licensed by Wikipedia (GNU).
The wordgames anagrams, crossword, Lettris and Boggle are provided by Memodata.
The web service Alexandria is granted from Memodata for the Ebay search.
The SensagentBox are offered by sensAgent.
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