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Definition and meaning of 慥か


慥か (adj.)

かどく, くっきりした, けざやか, さやか, せつ然たる, ただしい, ほんもの, まじめ, もの堅い, クリア, クリアー, クリヤ, クリヤー, シャープ, セキュア, 了然たる, 信頼できる, 信頼のおける, 分明, 分暁, 判然たる, 劃然たる, 危なげない, 可読, 固い, 堅い, 堅実, 堅気, 委しい, 安全, 安定した, 定か, 実らしい, 実体, 実法, 実直, , 審らか, 平明, 廉潔, 廉直, 強固, 彰々たる, 彰彰たる, 律儀, 律義, 忠直, 截然たる, 手がたい, 手丈夫, 手堅い, 手強い, 揺るぎない, 揺るぎ無い, 明か, 明せき, 明らか, 明りょう, 明快, 明晰, 明白, 明瞭, 明確, 明確な, 明解, 昭々たる, 昭昭たる, 昭然たる, 朗然たる, 本当, 本当の, 本物, 本物の, 正しい, 正しさ, 正直, 正確, 正確な, 歴々たる, 歴歴たる, 歴然たる, 決定的, 清廉, 清潔, 潔癖, 灼然たる, 照々たる, 照照たる, 牢乎たる, 牢固たる, 物堅い, 現然たる, 画然たる, 的をえた, 的確, , 真すぐ, 真っすぐ, 真っ直, 真っ直ぐ, 真成, 真正, 真正な, 真正直, 真率, 真直ぐ, 真誠, 真面目, 着実, 瞭然たる, 確か, 確かな, 確り, 確乎たる, 確信する, 確固たる, 確定的, 確実, 確実で, 確然たる, 章々たる, 章章たる, 端的, 篤実, 精密, 精密な, 精確, 精細, 緻密, 聢り, 自信のある, 自明, 良心的, 著明, 見やすい, 見易い, 観察可能, 詳しい, 誠実, 誤りのない, 読みやすい, 読み易い, 読んで面白い, 謹直, 識別可能, 貞実, 責任感のある, 適確, 間違いのない, 限定的, 頼もしい, 鮮やか, 鮮明

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See also

Analogical dictionary

慥か (adj.)


慥か (adj.)

慥か (adj.)


慥か (adj.)

settled (en)[Similaire]

慥か (adv.)

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All translations of 慥か

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The English word games are:
○   Anagrams
○   Wildcard, crossword
○   Lettris
○   Boggle.


Lettris is a curious tetris-clone game where all the bricks have the same square shape but different content. Each square carries a letter. To make squares disappear and save space for other squares you have to assemble English words (left, right, up, down) from the falling squares.


Boggle gives you 3 minutes to find as many words (3 letters or more) as you can in a grid of 16 letters. You can also try the grid of 16 letters. Letters must be adjacent and longer words score better. See if you can get into the grid Hall of Fame !

English dictionary
Main references

Most English definitions are provided by WordNet .
English thesaurus is mainly derived from The Integral Dictionary (TID).
English Encyclopedia is licensed by Wikipedia (GNU).


The wordgames anagrams, crossword, Lettris and Boggle are provided by Memodata.
The web service Alexandria is granted from Memodata for the Ebay search.
The SensagentBox are offered by sensAgent.


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