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Definition and meaning of founding


  • present participle of found (verb)


founding (n.)

1.the act of forming or establishing something"the constitution of a PTA group last year" "it was the establishment of his reputation" "he still remembers the organization of the club"

2.the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new"she looked forward to her initiation as an adult" "the foundation of a new scientific society" "he regards the fork as a modern introduction"

3.the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new"she looked forward to her initiation as an adult" "the foundation of a new scientific society"

found (v. trans.)

1.use as a basis for; found on"base a claim on some observation"

2.set up or lay the groundwork for"establish a new department"

3.set up or found"She set up a literacy program"

found (adj.)

1.come upon unexpectedly or after searching"found art" "the lost-and-found department"

found (n.) and lodging provided in addition to money"they worked for $30 and found"

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Merriam Webster

FoundingFound"ing, n. The art of smelting and casting metals.

FoundFound (?), imp. & p. p. of Find.

FoundFound, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Founded; p. pr. & vb. n. Founding.] [F. fondre, L. fundere to found, pour.] To form by melting a metal, and pouring it into a mold; to cast. “Whereof to found their engines.” Milton.

FoundFound, n. A thin, single-cut file for combmakers.

FoundFound, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Founded; p. pr. & vb. n. Founding.] [F. fonder, L. fundare, fr. fundus bottom. See 1st Bottom, and cf. Founder, v. i., Fund.]
1. To lay the basis of; to set, or place, as on something solid, for support; to ground; to establish upon a basis, literal or figurative; to fix firmly.

I had else been perfect,
Whole as the marble, founded as the rock.

A man that all his time
Hath founded his good fortunes on your love.

It fell not, for it was founded on a rock. Matt. vii. 25.

2. To take the ffirst steps or measures in erecting or building up; to furnish the materials for beginning; to begin to raise; to originate; as, to found a college; to found a family.

There they shall found
Their government, and their great senate choose.

Syn. -- To base; ground; institute; establish; fix. See Predicate.

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See also


60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China • Founding Clubs of the DFB • Founding Father (short story) • Founding Fathers of Merseyside Football • Founding Fathers of the United States • Founding Fathers of the United States of America • Founding dates of North Dakota incorporated cities • Founding fathers of the European Union • Founding figures of Omaha, Nebraska • Founding mothers • Founding myth • Founding of Rome • Founding of modern Singapore • Gan Eng Seng School Founding Site • List of founding Fellows, Scholars and Commissioners of Jesus College, Oxford • List of founding members of the National Academy of Engineering • Pierce Butler (Founding Father) • Robert Carter (American founding father) • Song of the Founding of the Confederation • The Faiths of the Founding Fathers • The Founding Committee of the Democratic Party • The Founding Myths of Israel • The Founding Myths of Modern Israel • The Founding of a Republic

...And Found • ...And Found (Lost) • A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder • A Village Lost and Found • An Answer Can Be Found • Atlantis Found • Baby Now That I've Found You • Coming Home (New Found Glory album) • Dirty Linen and New-Found-Land • Finally Found • Fish species found in Pennsylvania • Found (novel) • Found Aircraft • Found All the Parts • Found Brothers Aviation • Found Centennial • Found FBA-1 • Found FBA-2 • Found Footage Festival • Found Magazine • Found Out About You • Found Studio Tracks • Found That Soul • Found You • Found a Cure • Found a Peanut • Found a Place • Found and Lost • Found art • Found artist • Found artists • Found arts • Found film • Found footage • Found footage (genre) • Found in the Flood • Found object • Found on Film • Found photography • Found poetry • Haven't Found • Head Not Found • Hits (New Found Glory album) • How to Disappear Completely and Never Be Found • I Finally Found My Way • I Finally Found Someone • I Finally Found Someone (Lorrie Morgan and Sammy Kershaw album) • I Found Away • I Found Heaven • I Found Love (Now That I Have Found You) • I Found Love (song) • I Found Out • I Found Out (The Pigeon Detectives song) • I Found Someone • I Found Stella Parish • I Found a Million Dollar Baby (in a Five and Ten Cent Store) • I Found a Reason • I Found a Way • I Just Found Out About Love • I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For • I Think I've Found It • I'm Seeking Something That Has Already Found Me • I've Finally Found Someone • I've Found a New Baby • In This Way They Found Me • In the Lost and Found (Honky Bach) • Kiss Me (New Found Glory) • Leave the gate as you found it • Legends of the Lost and Found • List of adverse chemicals commonly found in the human body • List of found art • List of minerals found in Pakistan • Look at All the Love We Found • Lost and Found (1979 film) • Lost and Found (1996 film) • Lost and Found (2008 film) • Lost and Found (Christian rock band) • Lost and Found (Daniel Johnston album) • Lost and Found (David Byron album) • Lost and Found (Feeder song) • Lost and Found (Mudvayne album) • Lost and Found (The Detroit Cobras album) • Lost and Found (The Twilight Zone) • Lost and Found (Volume 2) • Lost and Found (Will Smith album) • Lost and Found (book) • Lost and Found (disambiguation) • Lost and Found (novel) • Lost and Found on a South Sea Island • Lost and found • MS. Found in a Bottle • Memoirs Found in a Bathtub • Memoirs Found in a Bathtub (book) • Midnight at the Lost and Found • New Found Glory • New Found Glory (album) • New Found Glory discography • New Found Land • New Found Power • New Found World • New found • New-Found-Land • New-found • No Fault Found • No Trouble Found • Notebook Found in a Deserted House • Now I've Found You • Now That We Found Love • Pair a Dice Found • Paradise Found • Paradise Found (band) • Paradise Found (film) • Paradise Found/Luck Before You Leap • Placer Found • Reflections on the variations, or inconsistencies, which are found among the four Evangelists • Something (Lost and Found album) • Soon We'll Be Found • Sticks and Stones (New Found Glory album) • Thank God I Found You • Thank God I found • The Boy Who Found Fear At Last • The Early Years (Lost and Found album) • The Little Girl Found • The Lost Get Found • The Lost and Found EP • The Manuscript Found in Saragossa • The Runaway Found • Then She Found Me • This Time I Found Love • Those Who Are Found Here • We Found It • What Janie Found • When I Found You • Woke Up This Morning and Found Myself Dead • Wong's Lost and Found Emporium • You Found Me • …And Found

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founding (n.)

found (adj.)

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The English word games are:
○   Anagrams
○   Wildcard, crossword
○   Lettris
○   Boggle.


Lettris is a curious tetris-clone game where all the bricks have the same square shape but different content. Each square carries a letter. To make squares disappear and save space for other squares you have to assemble English words (left, right, up, down) from the falling squares.


Boggle gives you 3 minutes to find as many words (3 letters or more) as you can in a grid of 16 letters. You can also try the grid of 16 letters. Letters must be adjacent and longer words score better. See if you can get into the grid Hall of Fame !

English dictionary
Main references

Most English definitions are provided by WordNet .
English thesaurus is mainly derived from The Integral Dictionary (TID).
English Encyclopedia is licensed by Wikipedia (GNU).


The wordgames anagrams, crossword, Lettris and Boggle are provided by Memodata.
The web service Alexandria is granted from Memodata for the Ebay search.
The SensagentBox are offered by sensAgent.


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