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Definition and meaning of electricity


electricity (n.)

1.the difference in electrical charge between two points in a circuit expressed in volts

2.keen and shared excitement"the stage crackled with electricity whenever she was on it"

3.a physical phenomenon associated with stationary or moving electrons and protons made available by the flow of electric charge through a conductor"they built a car that runs on electricity"

electricity- (aff.)

1.relating to or concerned with electricity"an electrical engineer" "electrical and mechanical engineering industries"

Electricity (n.)

1.(MeSH)A physical phenomenon involving electric charges and their effects when at rest and when in motion. (McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 6th ed)

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Merriam Webster

ElectricityE`lec*tric"i*ty (ē`lĕk*trĭs"ĭ*t�), n.; pl. Electricities (ē`lĕk*trĭs"ĭ*tĭz). [Cf. F. électricité. See Electric.]
1. (Physics) a property of certain of the fundamental particles of which matter is composed, called also electric charge, and being of two types, designated positive and negative; the property of electric charge on a particle or physical body creates a force field which affects other particles or bodies possessing electric charge; positive charges create a repulsive force between them, and negative charges also create a repulsive force. A positively charged body and a negatively charged body will create an attractive force between them. The unit of electrical charge is the coulomb, and the intensity of the force field at any point is measured in volts.

2. any of several phenomena associated with the accumulation or movement of electrically charged particles within material bodies, classified as static electricity and electric current. Static electricity is often observed in everyday life, when it causes certain materials to cling together; when sufficient static charge is accumulated, an electric current may pass through the air between two charged bodies, and is observed as a visible spark; when the spark passes from a human body to another object it may be felt as a mild to strong painful sensation. Electricity in the form of electric current is put to many practical uses in electrical and electronic devices. Lightning is also known to be a form of electric current passing between clouds and the ground, or between two clouds. Electric currents may produce heat, light, concussion, and often chemical changes when passed between objects or through any imperfectly conducting substance or space. Accumulation of electrical charge or generation of a voltage differnce between two parts of a complex object may be caused by any of a variety of disturbances of molecular equilibrium, whether from a chemical, physical, or mechanical, cause. Electric current in metals and most other solid coductors is carried by the movement of electrons from one part of the metal to another. In ionic solutions and in semiconductors, other types of movement of charged particles may be responsible for the observed electrical current.

☞ Electricity is manifested under following different forms: (a) Statical electricity, called also Frictional electricity or Common electricity, electricity in the condition of a stationary charge, in which the disturbance is produced by friction, as of glass, amber, etc., or by induction. (b) Dynamical electricity, called also Voltaic electricity, electricity in motion, or as a current produced by chemical decomposition, as by means of a voltaic battery, or by mechanical action, as by dynamo-electric machines. (c) Thermoelectricity, in which the disturbing cause is heat (attended possibly with some chemical action). It is developed by uniting two pieces of unlike metals in a bar, and then heating the bar unequally. (d) Atmospheric electricity, any condition of electrical disturbance in the atmosphere or clouds, due to some or all of the above mentioned causes. (e) Magnetic electricity, electricity developed by the action of magnets. (f) Positive electricity, the electricity that appears at the positive pole or anode of a battery, or that is produced by friction of glass; -- called also vitreous electricity. (g) Negative electricity, the electricity that appears at the negative pole or cathode, or is produced by the friction of resinous substance; -- called also resinous electricity. (h) Organic electricity, that which is developed in organic structures, either animal or vegetable, the phrase animal electricity being much more common.

3. The science which studies the phenomena and laws of electricity; electrical science.

4. Fig.: excitement, anticipation, or emotional tension, usually caused by the occurrence or expectation of something unusual or important.

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See also


1996 Peninsular Malaysia electricity blackout crisis • 2005 Malaysia electricity blackout crisis • A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism • AC/DC (electricity) • Alberta electricity policy • American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity • American Museum of Radio and Electricity • An Elementary Treatise on Electricity • Assistant Secretary of Energy for Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability • Association of Electricity Producers • Atmospheric electricity • Bahamas Electricity Corporation • Battery (electricity) • Bay of Plenty Electricity • Belize Electricity Limited • Bio-electricity • Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency • British Electricity Authority • California electricity crisis • Cell (electricity) • Central Electricity Authority (UK) • Central Electricity Authority of India • Central Electricity Board • Central Electricity Generating Board • Ceylon Electricity Board • Cold electricity • Common Information Model (electricity) • County of London Electricity Supply Company • Delta Electricity • Deregulation of the Texas electricity market • Directive on Electricity Production from Renewable Energy Sources • Drinking Electricity • Duality (electricity and magnetism) • East Midlands Electricity • Eastern Electricity • Eastern Electricity Board • Electricity (Elton John song) • Electricity (OMD song) • Electricity (Peter Jefferies album) • Electricity (Suede song) • Electricity (disambiguation) • Electricity Act (2003) • Electricity Act 1947 (UK) • Electricity Act 1957 • Electricity Association • Electricity Authority of Cambodia • Electricity Authority of Cyprus • Electricity Commission (NZ) • Electricity Commission (UK) • Electricity Commission of New South Wales • Electricity Commissioners • Electricity Corporation of New Zealand • Electricity Council • Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand • Electricity Regulatory Authority (Uganda) • Electricity Supply Board • Electricity Supply Industry Planning Council • Electricity Supply Industry Reform Unit • Electricity Supply Staff Association (Dublin) • Electricity Trust of South Australia • Electricity and Gas Regulation Commission • Electricity billing in the UK • Electricity cell • Electricity crisis • Electricity distribution • Electricity distribution companies by country • Electricity generation • Electricity induction • Electricity liberalization • Electricity market • Electricity market in Australia • Electricity meter • Electricity on Shabbat in Jewish law • Electricity on Shabbos • Electricity power station • Electricity provider switching • Electricity pylon • Electricity retail • Electricity retailer • Electricity retailing • Electricity sector in Argentina • Electricity sector in Bangladesh • Electricity sector in Bolivia • Electricity sector in Brazil • Electricity sector in Canada • Electricity sector in Chile • Electricity sector in China • Electricity sector in Colombia • Electricity sector in El Salvador • Electricity sector in Ghana • Electricity sector in Guyana • Electricity sector in Haiti • Electricity sector in India • Electricity sector in Ireland • Electricity sector in Mexico • Electricity sector in New Zealand • Electricity sector in Nicaragua • Electricity sector in Northern Ireland • Electricity sector in Pakistan • Electricity sector in Paraguay • Electricity sector in Peru • Electricity sector in Uruguay • Electricity sector in the Dominican Republic • Electricity sector in the Republic of Ireland • Electricity sector of the United States • Electricity shortage • Electricity supply • Electricity tariff • Electricity transmission • Environmental concerns with electricity generation • Etymology of electricity • European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity • European Regulators’ Group for Electricity and Gas • European Technology Platform for the Electricity Networks of the Future • Firm electricity • Fluid theory of electricity • Gas and Electricity Markets Authority • Geothermal electricity • Green electricity in Australia • Green electricity in the United Kingdom • Ground (electricity) • Ground loop (electricity) • Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited • History of electricity • Household electricity approach • Hydro-Québec's electricity transmission system • Independent Electricity System Operator • Indian states ranking by households having electricity • Internal Market in Electricity Directive • Kenya Electricity Generating Company • Kerala State Electricity Board • Liquid electricity • List of U.S. states by electricity production from renewable sources • List of countries by electricity consumption • List of countries by electricity imports • List of fictional characters who can manipulate electricity • Live wire (electricity) • London Electricity • London Electricity Board • Maharashtra State Electricity Board • Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited • Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Company Limited • Mains electricity • Mangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited • Medical electricity • Midlands Electricity • Ministry of Electricity (Iraq) • National Electricity Market • New Electricity Trading Arrangements • New Zealand electricity market • No Electricity Required • Northern Ireland Electricity • Norwegian Electricity Industry Association • Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability • Office of Gas and Electricity Markets • Office of Gas and Electricity Markets/Gas and Electricity Markets Authority • Post Office Box (electricity) • Public Electricity Suppliers • Relative cost of electricity generated by different sources • Renewable Electricity and the Grid • Renewable electricity • Resistance (electricity) • Sabah Electricity • Sarawak Electricity Supply Corporation • Solar electricity • Solar thermal electricity • South Wales Electricity • South Western Electricity • South of Scotland Electricity Board • Speed of electricity • Spirit Electricity • State Electricity Commission • State Electricity Commission of Victoria • State Electricity Commission of Western Australia • State Electricity Regulatory Commission • Static electricity • Synergy (electricity corporation) • The Battle of Electricity • The History and Present State of Electricity • The Pleasures of Electricity • Timeline of the UK electricity supply industry • To the Goddess Electricity • Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission • Trust Electricity • Trust Electricity (album) • VietNam Electricity • Voltaic Electricity • Water, gas, and electricity • West Bengal State Electricity Board • Western Electricity Coordinating Council • Xishan Coal Electricity Group Company Limited • Xishan Coal and Electricity • Xishan Coal and Electricity Power • Xishan Coal and Electricity Power Group • Xishan Coal and Electricity Power Group Company • Xishan Coal and Electricity Power Group Company Limited • Yorkshire Electricity • Yorkshire Electricity Cup • Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority

Analogical dictionary

Electricity (n.) [MeSH]


electricity (n.)


electrify - electric[Dérivé]


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