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Definition and meaning of comforts


  • plural of comfort (noun)
  • present indicative (he,she,it) of comfort (verb)


comfort (n.)

1.practice intended to polish performance or refresh the memory

2.physical and emotional care and nourishment

3.the act of consoling; giving relief in affliction"his presence was a consolation to her"

4.a feeling of freedom from worry or disappointment

5.a state of being relaxed and feeling no pain"he is a man who enjoys his comfort" "she longed for the comfortableness of her armchair"

6.a freedom from financial difficulty that promotes a comfortable state"a life of luxury and ease" "he had all the material comforts of this world"

7.freedom from constraint or embarrassment"I am never at ease with strangers"

8.assistance, such as that provided to an enemy or to a known criminal"it gave comfort to the enemy"

9.bedding made of two layers of cloth filled with stuffing and stitched together

10.satisfaction or physical well-being provided by a person or thing"his friendship was a comfort" "a padded chair was one of the room's few comforts"

comfort (v. trans.)

1.lessen pain or discomfort; alleviate"ease the pain in your legs"

2.give moral or emotional strength to

comforts (n.)

1.things that make you comfortable and at ease"all the comforts of home"

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Merriam Webster

ComfortCom"fort (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Comforted; p. pr. & vb. n. Comforting.] [F. conforter, fr. L. confortare to strengthen much; con- + fortis strong. See Fort.]
1. To make strong; to invigorate; to fortify; to corroborate. [Obs.] Wyclif.

God's own testimony . . . doth not a little comfort and confirm the same. Hooker.

2. To assist or help; to aid. [Obs.]

I . . . can not help the noble chevalier:
God comfort him in this necessity!

3. To impart strength and hope to; to encourage; to relieve; to console; to cheer.

Light excelleth in comforting the spirits of men. Bacon.

That we may be able to comfort them that are in any affliction. 2 Cor. i. 4 (Rev. Ver.).

A perfect woman, nobly planned,
To warn, to comfort, and command.

Syn. -- To cheer; solace; console; revive; encourage; enliven; invigorate; inspirit; gladden; recreate; exhilarate; refresh; animate; confirm; strengthen. -- To Comfort, Console, Solace. These verbs all suppose some antecedent state of suffering or sorrow. Console is confined to the act giving sympathetic relief to the mind under affliction or sorrow, and points to some definite source of that relief; as, the presence of his friend consoled him; he was much consoled by this intelligence. The act of consoling commonly implies the inculcation of resignation. Comfort points to relief afforded by the communication of positive pleasure, hope, and strength, as well as by the diminution of pain; as, “They brought the young man alive, and were not a little comforted.” Acts xx. 12. Solace is from L. solacium, which means according to Dumesnil, consolation inwardly felt or applied to the case of the sufferer. Hence, the verb to solace denotes the using of things for the purpose of affording relief under sorrow or suffering; as, to solace one's self with reflections, with books, or with active employments.

ComfortCom"fort (?), n. [OF. confort, fr. conforter.]
1. Assistance; relief; support. [Obs. except in the phrase “aid and comfort.” See 5 below.] Shak.

2. Encouragement; solace; consolation in trouble; also, that which affords consolation.

In comfort of her mother's fears. Shak.

Cheer thy spirit with this comfort. Shak.

Speaking words of endearment where words of comfort availed not. Longfellow.

3. A state of quiet enjoyment; freedom from pain, want, or anxiety; also, whatever contributes to such a condition.

I had much joy and comfort in thy love. Phil. 7 (Rev. Ver.).

He had the means of living in comfort. Macaulay.

4. A wadded bedquilt; a comfortable. [U. S.]

5. (Law) Unlawful support, countenance, or encouragement; as, to give aid and comfort to the enemy.

Syn. -- Comfort, Consolation. Comfort has two meanings:
1. Strength and relief received under affliction; 2. Positive enjoyment, of a quiet, permanent nature, together with the sources thereof; as, the comfort of love; surrounded with comforts; but it is with the former only that the word consolation is brought into comparison. As thus compared, consolation points to some specific source of relief for the afflicted mind; as, the consolations of religion. Comfort supposes the relief to be afforded by imparting positive enjoyment, as well as a diminution of pain. “Consolation, or comfort, signifies some alleviation to that pain to which it is not in our power to afford the proper and adequate remedy; they imply rather an augmentation of the power of bearing, than a diminution of the burden.” Johnson.

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See also


Alan Comfort • Alex Comfort • Arthur Comfort • Bear Lake Comfort Station • Canadian comfort cab • Castle Comfort • Castle Comfort Stairlifts • Charles Comfort • Charles Comfort Tiffany • Cherokee Inspired Comfort Award • Cold Comfort Farm • Cold Comfort Farm (1995 TV film) • Comfort (album) • Comfort (fabric softener) • Comfort A. Adams • Comfort Adams • Comfort Air • Comfort Bight, Newfoundland and Labrador • Comfort Classic • Comfort Cove • Comfort Cove Newstead • Comfort Cove-Newstead, Newfoundland and Labrador • Comfort Eagle • Comfort Eagle Sampler • Comfort Food (novel) • Comfort Freeman • Comfort Historic District • Comfort Independent School District • Comfort Inn • Comfort Maple • Comfort Me • Comfort Room • Comfort Sands • Comfort Starr House • Comfort Station • Comfort Station No. 68 • Comfort Station No. 72 • Comfort Suites • Comfort Township, Kanabec County, Minnesota • Comfort Transportation • Comfort Tyler • Comfort Woman • Comfort Zone • Comfort Zone Theory • Comfort and Joy • Comfort and Joy (1984 film) • Comfort and Joy (2003 film) • Comfort and Joy (album) • Comfort class hospital ship • Comfort food • Comfort foods • Comfort in Sound • Comfort in Sound (song) • Comfort items • Comfort letter • Comfort noise • Comfort object • Comfort of Strangers • Comfort shake • Comfort station • Comfort women • Comfort y Música Para Volar • Comfort, California • Comfort, Texas • Country Comfort • Doomsday Comfort • George Comfort • George Fisk Comfort • HMS Empire Comfort • International Comfort Products Corporation • Jane Comfort • Joe Comfort • Joe Comfort (New Haven) • Kingdom of Comfort • Lance Comfort • Louis Comfort Tiffany • Mary Comfort Leonard • Matthews Southern Comfort • Matthews' Southern Comfort • Matthews' Southern Comfort (album) • Mount Comfort Airport • Mount Comfort, Indiana • Nathaniel C. Comfort • Nathaniel Comfort • New Point Comfort • New Point Comfort Light • New Point Comfort Natural Area Preserve • Old Point Comfort • Old Point Comfort Light • Operation Cold Comfort • Operation Provide Comfort • Operation Provide Comfort (Charity Drive) • Pearl Comfort Sydenstricker • Point Comfort (disambiguation) • Point Comfort and Northern Railway • Point Comfort, Texas • Port of Port Lavaca - Point Comfort • Rainbow Point Comfort Station and Overlook Shelter • Ray Comfort • Rocky Comfort Creek • Rocky Comfort, Missouri • Ruth Comfort Mitchell Young • SS Empire Comfort • Saddlehorn Comfort Station • Select Comfort • Select Comfort Sleep Number Sleep System • Silas Comfort Swallow • Southern Comfort • Southern Comfort (2001 film) • Southern Comfort (Psychic TV album) • Southern Comfort (album) • Southern Comfort (disambiguation) • Southern Comfort (film) • Southern Comfort Conference • String Lake Comfort Station • Sweet Comfort Band • Sweet Southern Comfort • The Comfort Zone • The Comfort Zone (album) • The Comfort Zone (song) • The Comfort of Home • The Comfort of Strangers • The Comfort of Strangers (film) • The Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation • The Poor Man's Comfort • The Southern Comfort • Thermal comfort • Tidings of Comfort and Joy (short story) • Timber Creek Campground Comfort Stations • Too Close To Comfort Tour • Too Close for Comfort • Too Close for Comfort (1956 song) • Too Close for Comfort (TV series) • Toyota Comfort • Toyota Crown Comfort • Toyota Crown Comfort LPG • Tuolumne Meadows Ranger Stations and Comfort Stations • USNS Comfort • USNS Comfort (T-AH-20) • USS Comfort • USS Comfort (AH-20) • USS Comfort (AH-3) • USS Comfort (AH-6) • Velocity : Design : Comfort • Visual comfort probability • Who Will Comfort Me • Who Will Comfort Toffle? • Will Comfort • Will Levington Comfort

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○   Lettris
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