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down (adj.)
sedih, kondisi buruk, dilumpuhkan, putus asa, sengsara, melesukan
down (adv.)
down (n.)
down (v.)
menjatuhkan, mengolah, meningkatkan, memakan, minum, menenggak, menembak jatuh
down ()
back down (v.)
bear down (v.)
bear down on (v.)
bear down upon (v.)
beat down (v.)
break down
break down (v.)
ambruk, hancur, memusnahkan, mencongkel, menganalisis, meratakan, merusak, mogok, pingsan, rusak
break down (v.) (figurative)
bring down
bring down (v.)
call-down (n.) (colloquial;American)
cast down (v.)
close down (v.)
come down
come down (v.)
come down on (v.)
come down with (v.)
cut down
cut down (v.)
memotong rumput, menebang, mengecilkan, mengurangi, menurunkan, menyayat
cut down on (v.)
down-and-out (adj.)
down-at-heel (adj.)
Down's syndrome (n.)
Down syndrome (n.)
down-to-earth (adj.)
down-to-earthness (n.)
down tools
dust down
fall down (v.)
get down (v.)
membuat sedih, memulai, mencatat, menelan, mengganti, menurunkan, mulai
go down
hand down (v.)
beri, memberikan, meneruskan, menurunkan, menyerahkan, tulisan tangan
hold down (v.)
keep down
keep down (v.)
knock down (v.)
melindas, memukul jatuh, menabrak, menawar, mengena, menggilas, menurunkan harga, merobohkan, tawar-menawar
lay down (v.)
lay down the law (v.)
lay down the law to (v.)
let down
let down (v.)
memanjangkan, menelantarkan, mengecewakan, menurunkan, merendahkan, telantar
live down (v.)
look down on
low-down (adj.)
move down (v.)
narrow down (v.)
play down (v.)
press down on (v.)
pull down
pull down (n.) (American)
pull down (v.)
put down (v.)
meletakkan, membebaskan, mempermalukan, mencatat, mendarat, mendaratkan, menurunkan
put-down (n.)
put one's name down (v.)
right-down (adj.)
run down
berhenti, melindas, memukul jatuh, menabrak, mengena, menggilas, menghentikan, menjelek-jelekkan, merobohkan, mogok
run down (v.)
kehabisan, melihat sepintas, memeriksa, memfitnah, mengurangi, menjadi tidak cukup, tidak cukup
sand down (v.)
screw down (v.)
send down (v.)
set down (v.)
membebaskan, mencatat, mendarat, menurunkan, penulis risalah, turun ke darat
shut down (v.)
stand down
step down (v.)
step-down (n.)
strike down
melindas, memukul jatuh, menabrak, mengena, menggilas, merobohkan
strike down (v.)
take down (v.)
mempermalukan, memusnahkan, mencatat, menurunkan, meratakan, merendahkan, penulis risalah
talk down to
turn down (v.)
water down
write down (v.)
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See also
down (v. trans.)
↘ devourer, faller, fell, feller, gorger, logger, lumberjack, lumberman, scoffer ↗ aircraft, plane
down (adj.)
≠ up
down (prp.)
Down (n.)
down (adj.)
ineffective, ineffectual, inoperative[Similaire]
down (adj.)
désespéré (fr)[Classe]
atteint d'un trouble mental (fr)[Classe]
triste (fr)[Classe...]
malheureux (fr)[Classe]
accablement (fr)[Atteint]
down (adj.)
down (adj.)
consummate, perfect, perfective aspect[Similaire]
down (adj.)
down (adj.)
descending, downward[Similaire]
down (adj.)
down (adj.)
down (adv.)
en bas (fr)[Classe]
au-dessous (fr)[Classe]
down (adv.)
down (adv.)
down (n.)
beard; face fungus; whiskers[Classe]
beard, face fungus, whiskers[Hyper.]
fuzzed, fuzzy[Dérivé]
down (n.)
pitch; playing field; sports field; sports ground[ClasseHyper.]
down (n.)
go, play, turn[Hyper.]
down (n.)
plume d'oiseau (fr)[Classe]
mou (fr)[Caract.]
down (n.)
downy, puberulent, pubescent, sericeous - pilary, pilose, pilous[Dérivé]
down (n.)
highland, upland[Hyper.]
plural, plural form[Domaine]
down (prep.)
down (v.)
displace, move, rehang, shunt[Hyper.]
drop - drop, fall[Dérivé]
drop, fall - drop, drop down, sink[Domaine]
down (v. tr.)
topple; bring down[Classe]
down (v. tr.)
down (v. tr.)
down (v. tr.)
drink, imbibe, suck[Hyper.]
down (v. tr.)
topple; bring down[Classe]
take to bed[Classe]
détruire, mettre à bas une construction (fr)[ClasseHyper.]
(power; strength)[Caract.]
down (v. tr.)
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Lettris is a curious tetris-clone game where all the bricks have the same square shape but different content. Each square carries a letter. To make squares disappear and save space for other squares you have to assemble English words (left, right, up, down) from the falling squares.
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